Infusionsoft API Developers

The word “API” (is it a word or an acronym or an abbreviation? “I’m so confused!!!”) is a word fraught with fear, trepidation and anxiety, in the wrong hands.

The Sales Whisperer provides Infusionsoft API Developers for your programming needs.

In the proper hands it’s like Picasso’s brush, Shakespeare’s pen or Dan Kennedy’s swipe file in that it can make magic happen right before your very computer screen.

Wikipedia defines API as “Application Programming Interface.” Breaking that down, an API is simply a translator between software programs.

“Why do I need a translator, Wes?” 

Because software programs are built by humans, and humans have preferences, tendencies and quirks that may either align with your own preferences or may make you nuts.

“How so?”

Let’s say you prefer to pick up your mail as you leave your house for work, sort your bills and pay them during your lunch break and file the bills when you get home with the most recent in the front of your filing cabinet. Then you get married and your spouse prefers to check mail upon arriving at home, pay them once a week on Saturday morning and file them with the most recent in the back of the filing cabinet.

You and your spouse need a bill-paying API.

“Is API coding hard?”

That’s like asking Michael Phelps if it’s hard to swim fast. We’ll both give you the same answer: not with a lot of practice, excellent coaching and determination to get it right.

“Is API coding expensive?”

You won’t get good API work on Fivrr and you probably won’t find a high school savant to do the work either. So expect to pay more for API coding than you would for a new tri-fold brochure for your next trade show. However, if you’re even considering API coding you know the benefits you’ll realize from the automation and integration of your software platforms so you know the benefits of good API work far outweighs the monetary investment it will require.

There are two adages I’ve learned during a career in sales beginning in 1994:

  • It’s better to pay more than you had hoped than less than you should.

  • Discounted widgets perform just as good as full price widgets, but discounted services are never as good.

Take the time to find a firm with experienced Infusionsoft API Developers, outline what you need, get their scope of work and pricing in writing, pay them well and demand they perform. The extra $100 or $1,000 or $10,000 will be paid back exponentially in bottom line dollars grown as well as hassels and frustrations eliminated.

If you haven’t read my bio I can tell you I graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1992 with an emphasis on engineering. I then graduated from Texas A&M in 1993 with a degree in meteorology, which, counter to popular opinion, is nothing more than Calculus, Physics and Thermodynamics.

With that background in discipline, engineering, math, science and attention-to-detail I entered the world of full time sales in 1997 after starting a couple of ventures while still on active duty. The majority of my sales career has been in the technology space where I was a user of databases and CRMs since 1998. In 2008 I became certified with Infusionsoft and have been one of their top sellers, trainers and contributors.

My team is now up to nine with bursts to 12 when the workload calls for additional brainpower.

To get started simply complete the Contact Us form and select “Infusionsoft API” at the top of list box and my assistant will be in touch to schedule a call.

I look forward to speaking and working with you.
