Infusionsoft Campaign Builder | Fall 2012 Release

From Wes’ Infusionsoft Tips Vault: Infusionsoft Campaign Builder Fall 2012 Release – Expanded Campaign Builder Processes 

“Easy is the new norm” continues with the R27 release from Infusionsoft. Note the additional actions you can automate with this new release including:

  • Assign to Owner

  • Fulfillment List

  • Apply Action Set

These processes have always been part of Infusionsoft but they have pulled these features in from the Legacy to the Campaign Builder to improve the drag and drop functionality.

Let’s take a close look at these three.

Assign to Owner (Used by companies with multiple sales people). 

When leads come in to your business via your Infusionsoft Web Forms (step 2 of The Perfect Customer Lifecycle) you can automate who on your team gets each lead, when they get that lead and you can include instructions to them on how they should respond including scripts, questions and any applicable special offers.

You now have an icon in the Infusionsoft Campaign Builder to do this. Below is the image showing your options, which are:

  • Assign to User – this will send leads from this web form to the same person every time.

  • Assign using Round Robin – this will rotate through whichever list you setup and assign the leads accordingly. How might this be used? Maybe you have a team of Inside Sales Reps and Outside Sales Reps and you want all “Contact Us” general leads to go to the ISR team first for further qualification but you want post-webinar leads to go to the Outside Sales team. You could create two Round Robin teams and assign them equally using this feature.

Fulfillment List

When you sell a physical product that needs to be shipped you can inform the person / company responsible for packing and shipping with the Infusionsoft Fulfillment List. You can simply have the notification appear on the internal user’s dashboard if they work for you or you can have an email sent to either internal or external personnel with an attachment that provides all of the pertinent information for the orders that need to be fulfilled.

That has always been a feature of Infusionsoft but now it can be configured from within the Campaign Builder.

Action Sets

Last but not least, you can kick off previously created Action Sets, which were a big part of the Legacy application. There are a couple of caveats:

  • You can’t create the action sets on the fly.

  • You can’t kick off an action set that runs another action set.

So if you have a ton of Legacy Action Sets in your Infusionsoft Application you can now leverage them easily inside the Campaign Builder with this new release.

If you already own Infusionsoft then you need the companion guide, “The Definitive Guide To Infusionsoft.”

If you don’t have Infusionsoft and are ready to order and receive up to $2,734.17 in extra benefits, support, discounts and training then you can order Infusionsoft today through me and my team and I will hook you up!


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