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  • Infusionsoft Implementation Acceleration: Automate. Integrate. Dominate.

Infusionsoft Implementation Acceleration: Automate. Integrate. Dominate.

Back in December 2011 Infusionsoft kicked off their inaugural Infusionsoft Implementation Acceleration and while I was honored to be invited to assist with the delivery of the training and support, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I remember thinking,

Who’s going to pay $10,000 with three week’s notice and travel over the holidays for two day’s worth of help?”

Within a week over 15 clients had enrolled and within a couple of weeks the program was full.

Back then it was just a two-day program and you had to be able to shift on a dime—and drop more than a few dimes—if you wanted to attend.

Not only that, most entrepreneurs run so hard and so fast we like to chill out at least a little bit after Christmas and watch a little football….but not last year!

Talk about no rest for the motivated!?

Rave Reviews for the Infusionsoft Accelerator

My client at the first event was Beatrice Briggs. Here is what she had to say:

Dear Wes,

Once I was on a panel of external facilitators charged with ranking candidates from a variety of UN agencies according to our willingness to work with them in the future. There were 3 categories.

What a great compliment and what a great example of what we were able to achieve in just two short days.

Fast forward to today and both Infusionsoft and I have made some changes including a couple of introductory calls to get the ball rolling, follow-up calls to ensure things are going as planned, and a private group online to share ideas, ask questions and get ongoing support…while keeping the price the same!

Now we offer our own version of the Infusionsoft Accelerator here in sunny—and cooler—Southern California and we do it on-demand.

Once you enroll we get on the phone and pick a time that works for you to come out with your team and get to work. (If you’d like, for a little extra, we can even come to you.)

We’ll provide plenty of free water, coffee, sodas, energy drinks and snacks and yes, you’ll grow and, yes, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Now go here to register for your own Two Day Implementation Accelerator and commit to big time growth.

We’ll leave the lights on fer ya!