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Infusionsoft Invitational – Complimentary Live Demonstration


Infusionsoft Invitational

Please Join Wes for this 45-Minute Business Changing Event

Complimentary Infusionsoft Webinar

Date: December 11, 2012 Time: 11:30AM PST / 2:30PM EST

Join Wes Schaeffer as he, in 45 Minutes or less, demonstrates how to increase the automation, productivity, and profitability of your business with Infusionsoft for small business.

Once you have registered, you will be sent the information you need to join the webinar on December 10th! This webinar is complimentary with no obligation to buy.

Grab up to $2,734.17 In Savings & Bonuses When You Order Infusionsoft Today!

Looking to con­sis­tently attract and cap­ture more leads than every­one else? Come join me. Here’s why:

  1. I’m one of you and I “eat my own dog food.” What does that mean? It means I’m a hands-on sales­man / business owner / entrepreneur, not a Geek. Every day I get up and get things done. But I get more done than most because I have a good team that is small and profitable because I automate most of my marketing and sales. I’m here to help you sell and close business. Infu­sion­soft is a big mar­ket­ing gun. The ammo is the CONTENT you load into it and fire, sequen­tially.

  2. I have learned what the Geeks know to make Infu­sion­soft do all the fancy things you would like it to do and I teach you how to do it in plain English so you can grow on your own.

  3. I’m a speaker / trainer / edu­ca­tor / com­mu­ni­ca­tor. Get­ting up to speed quickly with any­thing new requires skill on the part of the instruc­tor to make sure the lessons are done effi­ciently and effec­tively. The human con­nec­tion is what makes the lessons come alive.

  4. I’m a copy­writer. Mar­ket­ing is sell­ing in print. Sell­ing is the trans­fer­ence of con­fi­dence from one per­son to another. As a salesman, I know how to write. You’ll receive unprece­dented assis­tance in review­ing and cre­at­ing great con­tent dur­ing your Kick­start ses­sions with me.

  5. I’m mar­ried with chil­dren. This means I under­stand com­mit­ment and it also means I’m not some 20-something kid out sow­ing my oats 6.5 nights a week who may or may not show up for sched­uled calls and appointments.

  6. I’m a U.S.A.F.A. grad and vet­eran, dis­ci­plined since an early age. I pri­or­i­tize, with “attention-to-detail” in coordinating and proofing your program.

  7. I lit­er­ally wrote the book on Infu­sion­soft, “The Defin­i­tive Guide To Infu­sion­soft” – and you get a free copy of it (a $49.99 value) when you order Infu­sion­soft from me!

On December 10th at 11:30 AM PST / 2:30 PM PST, I’ll show you how to Automate. Integrate and Celebrate.

See you on the webinar.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,