Is The Throne That Appealing?

From today’s reading…

I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her to scepter and throne,…”

The fastest horse, the quickest lion, the most powerful bear must rest, recover, and regroup from time to time.

Power grids, nuclear submarines, and even Amazon conveyor belts must be taken offline for maintenance and upgrades on occasion.

Humbling yourself before a power greater than yourself so you may learn and gather wisdom is required in both your physical and your spiritual life.

Three to six days per week I subject myself to 90+ minutes of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu where younger, older, and/or smaller practitioners hand out buckets of humility via four to seven 6-minute sparring sessions. Iron indeed sharpens iron.

Likewise, on a daily basis I read and study and share my thoughts on the Word of God. Weekly I receive His Word with my family and community along with His daily bread.

The skills I’ve learned in martial arts and the comfort, consolation, and counsel I’ve received from the Word of God cannot be purchased nor forced into my mind, body, or soul.

Taking time to sharpen his axe is not wasted time for a lumberjack.

Likewise, setting aside your earthly worries and ambitions for a moment to gain clarity in your true mission is not only not wasted time, it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.