It Is God’s Will To Have Jesus Raise You Up

From today’s reading…

Now the will of him who sent me is that I should lose nothing of all that he has given to me, but that I should raise it up on the last day.”

John 6:39

What has God given His Son?

In short, everyone and everything.

If you believe in God, then you believe He created you and me and everyone who has ever lived, which begs the question, when does life begin?

If you believe in God, then you at least believe in heaven. (Some fools don’t believe in hell, but that’s a topic for another day.)

If you believe in heaven, then you believe every person has a soul.

If you love the government more than God, you believe you get your soul at the same time and in the same manner as your social security card: the government gives it to you at birth.

But you know that’s a specious argument.

You know that baby rolling and kicking inside its birthing person’s tummy…okay, okay, you got me. I’m just trying to be inclusive…

Let’s start again.

You know that that baby rolling around and kicking inside his or her mother’s body is alive, which means it has a soul, which means God instilled His life force in that child well before it passed through the birth canal, and since God knew us from before all time:

  • “Thus he chose us in Christ before the world was made to be holy and faultless before him in love,…” (Ephesians 1:4)

  • “‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you; I appointed you as prophet to the nations.’” (Jeremiah 1:5)

  • “Did he not create them in the womb like me, the same God forming us in the womb?” (Job 31:15)

  • “‘…for he will be great in the sight of the Lord; he must drink no wine, no strong drink; even from his mother’s womb he will be filled with the Holy Spirit,…’” (Luke 1:15)

…then it makes sense that God would fill us with His Holy Spirit at the moment of conception; therefore, when you abort a child, you are taking away God’s gift to His Son, which means, if you do not repent, you’ll literally have hell to pay.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Just like that innocent child you helped kill, you, too, were given to Jesus by God, which means Jesus wants to raise you up on the last day to be with Him.

But unlike you and me, Jesus has infinite capacity, will, and ability to forgive you for the most egregious sin, i.e., killing an innocent child, if you’ll only seek His forgiveness and repent.

You can do it.

Jesus can help.

And you must do it because it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.