It Is Vain To Serve God

From today’s reading…

“It is vain to serve God,

and what do we profit by keeping his command,…?

Rather must we call the proud blessed;

for indeed evildoers prosper,…”

If you watch sports today it is obvious most players believe the proud are blessed.

If you interact with salespeople today, it is obvious many of them believe the proud are blessed (or they have the confidence of an abused puppy, but I digress.)

If you watch anything coming out of Hollywood today it is obvious the evildoers prosper.

If you observe what is being taught in our schools from kindergarten to higher education, it is obvious the tenured evildoers are proud of their “prosperity.”

But you know those attitudes and actions and indoctrination of our children just ain’t right.

You know that…

“Blessed the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked…”

The problem is the wicked seem to control the media, entertainment, sports, and education.

But that’s what they want you to believe.They want you to believe you are surrounded and that resistance is futile.

But they are wrong.

It’s easy to fight back.

Just turn off the TV.Throw away the silly magazines.Surf the web with caution and discernment.Choose your friends carefully and remember to

“…ask (for goodness and blessings) and you will receive,…”

It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.