It’s All Good

From today’s reading…

God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.”

As some of my kinfolks would say down in the South, “God don’t make no junk.”

And when we look at “everything he had made,” we have to look at everything, period, because God made everything, including you and me, who were…

created…in his image;

in the divine image he created him;

male and female he created them.”

Neither male nor female is more of the whole but we are complimentary. When man and woman come together in love we are fully in his image.

This is revealed in the curious line just before the quoted line above where God says:

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

To whom is God referring when he says “us” and “our?”

As I’ve written before,

  • God the Father is love.

  • God always has been, therefore, 

  • Love always has been, and

  • For love to exist there must be someone else to love, which means

  • Jesus has always existed as God the Son, and

  • Their love for one another manifests itself as God the Holy Spirit.

In much the same way, you are the physical manifestation of your parent’s love for one another. In their love they were “fertile and (multiplied).”

Which is what you and I are called to do six days a week. Not five. Not four. Not three. Not seven. Six days we are to work hard and we rest on the seventh.

Following that type of work ethic will not only enable you to be fruitful and multiply God’s love, it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.