It’s Hard To Find The Truth

“It’s getting harder and harder to know, just by looking at something whether it’s true or not,” said Dr. Daniel Levitin, one of my son’s professors at Minerva Schools.

“A lot of people don’t know what to do with evidence and scientific argument.

They’d rather follow their emotion and believe what feels like the truth.

This happens all the time in politics.“

This happens in sales as well.

People make erratic, illogical decisions all the time based on their feelings, which are manipulated by lying salespeople—our competitors.

When you give your prospects too many choices via too much information, their brains melt and ooze out of their ears, and their next steps become unpredictable.

Take control of the conversation.

Meet your prospects where they are.

Sort, sift, and separate to find the good ones instead of trying to sell them.

Help them sort, sift, and separate the abundant information they have so they can realize the truth on their own.

Like the patient who awakens from a coma and falls in love with the first nurse he sees, your prospects will fall in love with your solution when you’re the one that helps them come out of their information coma.

Now go un-comatose someone.