Jeremiah Sought Vengeance

From today’s reading…

…Let me witness the vengeance you take on them,

for to you I have entrusted my cause!”

Two nights ago my wife thought she left her iPhone in a restaurant. As she went in to look for it I looked it up on the Find Friends app, which showed it to be in a mattress store in the same shopping center.

Well I pulled out of the parking lot and walked in ready impart some vengeance but as I walked in the phone disappeared, as though it was shut off.

I had tried calling the phone a couple of times and it went to voicemail so I assumed the thief simply turned off the phone and/or removed the SIM card.

The store was empty other than two employees who were not at the restaurant so I left but I kept looking for the phone online and I found it near my home. When I called again my father-in-law answered so we knew he had mistakenly taken my wife’s phone and his (one in his pants pocket and one in his jacket pocket).

My wife has placed her trust in me and I am (probably too) willing to confront anyone who mistreats her.

Jeremiah placed his trust in the Lord who protected him from the evil plots of those in Judah and Jerusalem and he wanted his pound of flesh, which the Lord promised to deliver.

Parents and spouses are jealous and protective.

Your father in heaven is protective of you.

He is the source of both mercy and justice, which sometimes require punishment for those who break His laws and hurt His children.

So go forward with confidence and love knowing you have someone watching over you as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.