Jesus Completes The Law and The Prophets

From today’s reading…

‘Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete them.’” Matthew 5:17

Cafeterias are nice. You can eat whatever you want and avoid what you don’t want, even the stuff that’s good fer ya!

However, the Bible—and your faith—is not a cafeteria. 

You can’t skip Numbers because it’s “boring,” and you can’t skip Revelation because it’s “scary,” and you can’t skip John 6 because you don’t understand the Eucharist, and you can’t skip Maccabees because your skinny-jeans-wearing pastor who’s “like, totally cool and awesome and funny, ya know?” disagrees with praying for the dead and purgatory. (I mean, he’s like totally smart and stuff. One time, in 8th grade, without his parents making him, he watched a three-hour PBS documentary on the Bible. So, dude, you can trust his interpretation. Totally.)

But I digress.

The birth, life, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus did not—does not—negate, nullify, or in any way diminish the Old Testament.


On the contrary, His coming fulfills all that was foretold in the Old Testament, which has 46 books, by the way.

So get a complete Bible and read up, contemplate, and pray on what Jesus is saying today, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.