Jesus Says Hi At Caesarea Philippi

From today’s reading…

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he put this question to his disciples, ‘Who do people say the Son of man is?’” Matthew 16:13

At 2,814 m (9,232 ft) above sea level, Mount Hermon is the highest point in Syria. “Caesarea Philippi was an ancient Roman city located at the southwestern base of Mount Hermon.

It was adjacent to a spring, grotto, and related shrines dedicated to the Greek god Pan.” (Wikipedia)

In other words, Caesarea Philippi was a city with some history and importance. It was not the local McDonald’s or a Dollar General store.

It was not the airport Marriott or a roadside rest stop. It’s about 102 km from Jerusalem, which would be a 20-hour walk on a smooth, straight path, which did not exist 2,000 years ago.

So this was a destination. Jesus took His closest followers there for a reason. For days He held onto this question and sprung it upon His disciples to see how they’d answer.

This is when Simon rose up and spoke up. It’s also where he received his formal promotion as indicated by:

  • his name is changed to Peter

  • he is named as the rock on which Jesus would build His community

  • it would be a strong community with gates that will withstand all the power of the underworld

  • he is given the keys to the kingdom of Heaven

  • he can bind and loose on earth and in heaven.

Isn’t it amazing the power you receive when you admit who Jesus is and live accordingly?…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.