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  • Jia Jing Shows How To”Enjoy” Rejection Therapy To Grow Your Sales

Jia Jing Shows How To”Enjoy” Rejection Therapy To Grow Your Sales

Jia Jiang is an entrepreneur, blogger, speaker and future author. His story of entrepreneurship and 100 Days of Rejections can be found in Bloomberg Businessweek, Yahoo News, Forbes, the Huffington Post, etc. You can also watch his talks at TED.com and the World Domination Summit. His main site today is Fearbuster where you can see the results of his 100 Days of Rejection Therapy.

He left a nice 6-figure job in Corporate America four days before his wife gave birth to their son and his real entrepreneurial journey starts there.

Business Failure

  • A few months into his new software venture he was rejected by an investor and it hurt badly. He had a team of engineers working hard to develop the pitch. It was discouraging. What he started to see was how discouraged he became so he thought there has to be a better way to handle rejection, which led to…

  • “Make your misery your ministry,” which led to…

Greatest Sales Success

  • Rejection Therapy is a game to seek out rejection. He put his own spin on this. He recorded it all with his iPhone.

  • Did this in public to make him accountable.

  • On day 3 he went to a Krispy Kreme and that video went viral. He asked the manager to make him doughnuts that looked like the Olympic rings.

Mistakes Business Owners Make

  • “Thinking rejection is final or fatal.”

  • “But in business there is no life or death. But that fear of failure and rejection is what’s holding us back and it’s usually not rational.”

  • Letting fear become a monster in and of itself.

  • Waiting for the perfect time to start and thereby letting ideas rot in your mind forever.

What Are You Doing Daily To Grow

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Write it when you’re struggling. Write it when you have the conflict. Own your conflict and own your fear. It makes you more creative.

  • Courage is like a muscle.

  • Just do it. Rejection is not negative. We think of it as being so painful. That’s a mistake. It’s just someone’s opinion. Everyone has their own opinions. Just because someone has an opinion on what you’re offering and it’s different than yours, doesn’t mean you or your offering are bad or worthless.

What Are You Reading Now

Links Mentioned

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