Keep Your Hands On The Wheel

From today’s reading…

Pick me up and throw me into the sea,

that it may quiet down for you;

since I know it is because of me

that this violent storm has come upon you.”

Why do we never have time to do it right, but we have time to do it twice?

Jonah was called to do a job but he didn’t want to do it so he ran from it.

However, when those around him were put at risk because of his actions he did the right thing.

When he got a second chance he stepped up and finally did what he was supposed to do, even though he disagreed with it.

And it was the right thing to do.

Following God’s will for your life is a lot like driving at night.

You know where you want to go but even under the best of circumstances you can only see a few hundred feet ahead.

But even that limited vision is enough to enable you to arrive safely at your destination if you…

  • keep both hands on the wheel,

  • monitor your instrument panel,

  • scan your rearview and side mirrors,

  • keep the music turned down,

  • don’t text, and

  • only use the phone on hands-free.

Ha! Whatever Wes. Who in the world does that? I must be doomed.”

Not necessarily but you may be “doomed” to endure a bumpy ride and an uncomfortable stay inside a fish to help you learn to hear and heed your calling.

Now put both hands on the wheel so you can…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.