Keeping it Classy with the Art of the Close

I see so many people online, especially in Sales, Sales Training, Sales Marketing, just over the top kind of people.

I don’t know if they do this just to get attention but running around, putting high pressure tactics on people, dropping the F-Bomb like they do, going crazy, it’s just not realistic.

You know I’ve been in Sales Full Time, Commission Salesman since 1997, I’ve sold literally around the World and since 1995, my wife has been stay at home, first stay at home wife then stay at mom for seven kids.

So I’m a product of The product.

Keeping it Classy with the Art of the Close

You can sell, you can make money, you make a lot of money, you can build your own business, you can create residual income without being high energy, without being a cheese ball, without applying the hard pressure tactics to somebody, you can do it without using foul language and that’s what I’m going to be covering in The Art of the Close.

Keep it classy!

This is a 7 Week Live interactive program with me starting in January.

January 12th will be the First Class and we’ll schedule the remaining calls based on a poll of the students. I’ll do a little survey of the attendees to see which day of the week works best, what time works best but something that made me, inspired me to do this today was, I was working with a referral actually, just a couple of hours ago and she was asking me for some Sales Training Help and we got into Scripts, and she brought it up.

She said she doesn’t feel natural using a Sales Script and I told her I feel the exact same way or at least I did feel that way when I had Bad Coaches, Bad Trainers giving me Bad Scripts.

Then I asked her and I’ll this questions for all of you watching.

How much money did Dwayne, The Rock, Johnson make this year 2016? Anybody have any Idea? Any Idea how much Dwayne, The Rock, Johnson made this year?

To speed this up, I’ll give this answer coz I’m a Giver. $64.45 Million Dollars!

And what does he do for a living, right? Jackie Chan was second with 61, Matt Damon 55 Million Dollars. What do they do for a Living?

They read a Script.

They take a script, they make it their own, they eternalize it but first, they’re selective, they’re picky. I’m sure they turn down or just outright ignore a hundred scripts for every one they might even read. I don’t know or any of those they read, they probably just pick one out of every ten that they read.  They’re very selective, they disqualify and that’s what I get into in my Sales Training.

The Job of a Sales Professional

Our Job, believe it or not, is not to sell. Our Job is to disqualify, to sort, to sift, to separate. When you find the person that is looking for you, the sale really becomes Natural and Easy. I was talking to this lady; we’re talking about Scripts and the fact that she didn’t like Scripts coz she’s never had a good script because they don’t have a good script, they’re winging it. I guarantee you Dwayne Johnson would not make 65 Million Dollars a year if they just turned the camera on and he did his stuff. Now sure, people are kind of Idiots nowadays, we do watch crazy stuff of people just doing Live, I don’t know, eating a can of tuna fish at their house but I guarantee you would make 65 Million Dollars. You gotta have a script, you have to know how to apply the script and you could have different scripts for different kinds of situation, different people, for different stages in the sales cycle but if you’re shooting from the hip, now one of the programs that you get when you enroll in  the Art of the Close, one of the programs you get access to is “The Seven Deadly Sins of Selling”. So in the Seven Deadly Sins of the Selling, the #1 sin is what I call, Annie Oakley-itus. I gotta change that because everyone is getting younger than me but Annie Oakley was this trick shot artist. She would shoot over her shoulder, she’d shoot with a mirror, she would shoot from the hip and that’s where I got that from. Most sales people are just shooting from the hip, just figuring it out as they go. That’s why your sales are up and down, they’re unpredictable. You can’t do it that way.

The Blue Prints of Professional Selling

Professional Sales People have scripts, they map things up, and they know exactly what they’re going to do. My neighbor David, he’s a professional contractor, Professional Builder etc., He’s helped wire my house, he’s helped install a micro-wave, I mean the guy can build anything but he a has a plan. Professional Builders, people in construction, somebody dreams it then they put it on paper, then they make the blue print, then they hinge all the different people. They do the dirt work, they do the electrical, they do the plumbing, they do the foundation, they do the Walls, it’s all pre-planned. Why do you think selling is any different? Why can’t you shoot from the hip and think you’re gonna maximize your earning potential?  Why do you think, dropping F-Bombs, running around and going over the top is gonna help you make more sales? It’s just not realistic. I wanna give you an alternative, this is how I have sold and I am selling currently to provide for a family of nine. This isn’t something that I read in a book from 1970 that was written in 1960 by somebody who did that in 1950. These are things I am doing right now, to put food on the table for a Family of Nine, It works. You don’t have to be a jerk, you don’t have to be foul mouthed, you don’t have to high energy and really and truly, the more dialed back you are, the more laid back you are, the more you can attract and pull the Prospect towards you, the better. The more effective you can be rather than really bullying somebody down.

In Conclusion:

You wanna sell more faster at higher margin with Less Stress and more Fun, I’m gonna give it you again, You will get access to the make every sale course for free, it’s a $2000 course and I’m giving it to you when you enroll in the Art of Close so start the year off right. As soon as you enroll, you’ll have immediate access to the On Demand Training so you can start working on things, you’re gonna have access to our Private Facebook Groups,  you can start asking questions there as well.  Enjoy being a Sales Professional; grow yourselves predictably without being over the top, without using High Pressured Tactics, without closing hard, just enjoy making every sale like a Pro!