Keith Perhac: Segment Your List To Grow Your Sales

It’s best to test small as well as big ideas

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Measure each step of the way to make every sale 

  • You can segment your visitors right away with simple multiple choice pop-ups

  • We’re all self-serving so we don’t want to do surveys but we’ll click a button to self-identify

  • People rarely do what they say they’ll do so measure what they do

  • Few companies segment at all

  • Start with a single question and measure the results and refine the segmentation

  • Don’t be afraid to go way out on a limb to test something. Leveraging incremental testing to refine your offering but add one outlier to really push the limit and accelerate your growth.

  • It could take longer to monetize your lead than you think

  • Start with split testing ideas, not just little things

    • Zeno’s Paradox, i.e. The Infinite Halfway Theory, can keep you from ever reaching your destination

  • Looking for an accurate compass to guide you on how to best spend your marketing dollars? Try SegMetrics free for 14 days and see how it can help you find the hidden profits in your marketing funnels.

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