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  • Kim Walsh-Phillips Helps Dan Kennedy Sell With Social Media

Kim Walsh-Phillips Helps Dan Kennedy Sell With Social Media

About Today’s Guest on The Sales Podcast

Kim Walsh-Phillips is an Online and Offline direct response marketer, author and consultant to the direct response marketing king, Dan Kennedy. But she didn’t even know what direct response marketing was five years ago. Hear her story of taking fast action and producing massive results both online and offline and how you can, too.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Sales Tip

  • Kim took massive action. As soon as she heard about “direct response marketing” she applied it to her own business she had owned for 10 years. It was a tough change but she wasn’t making money in her “image-advertising agency.”

After getting married and getting pregnant she realized things had to change. She prayed and “Dan Kennedy was the answer to her prayers.” (He loves it when she says that.)

  • She applied these direct response marketing ideas taught by Dan Kennedy to her own business to prove they worked then did them for her clients.

  • Working harder was not the answer – and IS NOT the answer.

  • Maybe you’re doing the wrong things.

  • Kim had to change her strategies. She sought out people that “appeared” successful then verified that they were successful then applied what they taught. Ask them for advice, for book ideas.

  • Within this hour you can start collecting leads via LeadPages, get the word out on a Facebook Fan Page, etc.

Kim says to create a free GoToWebinar account (free for 30 days), setup a LeadPages account (maybe $47 for the first month) then create great content on a Facebook Fan Page to promote selling a consulting service that runs $97 per session. Write three posts per day and leverage Facebook’s Ad Manager to focus my ad on the right people. Spend maybe $25/day. In two weeks start promoting this via email.

  • Think strategically. GoToWebinar will collect emails for you and send reminders. Personalize those messages.

  • Kim is placing thousands of dollars a day into Facebook advertising and all industries can leverage Facebook ads.

    • Find the right mix between ALL sales and NO sales in your advertising and messaging.

    • Be engaging vs. entertaining if your industry does not lend itself to being cute and creative.

    • If you do a Desktop Newsfeed Likes promotion – Fans of FanPages convert to buyers at a lower cost per transaction. So build your Likes with a little focus but get their email address by redirecting new Likes to a Tab on your FanPage and then offer them a bonus for signing up.

    • “Click Like If You Believe Marketing Should Produce Results”

      • Make the initial Like to cold traffic about (15 minutes)

      • Run a Likes Ad to your audience with an image of both of us from the podcast and drive them to a Page with a bonus offer so I get their email address.

      • LeadPages will publish straight to Facebook Tabs.

  • Kim only spends money on direct mail on clients that spend at least $30.

    • Maybe warm up the clients before the course starts.

    • But she will spend money on high-dollar prospects.

    • She uses direct mail heavily in the customer acquisition process for hard-to-reach prospects like doctors. She’ll Fedex packages to them.

Export LinkedIn Contacts and import them into Facebook and advertise just to them. So Kim will send those doctors a Fedex package, a Facebook ad, an email and a voice broadcast. Facebook will let you target professions in someone’s title or college major such as “dental” or “dentist.”

  • Kim’s accountability partner recommended Dan Kennedy. Now she does all of his social media marketing.

  • Google+

    • Great to be on it because Google loves it.

    • Post all of your blog content to it.

    • Write down 25 questions your prospects have and just write the audience.

    • TextBroker will write content for you.

    • Post your old stuff, too.

    • Post your link to your old stuff

  • Twitter

    • Not good for selling anything but good at getting media stories, list building and interviews.

    • Find people you want to connect with and go to their accounts and see what they share or retweet and use with hashtags and share content under those categories.

    • Kim has not found great ROI on advertising on Twitter but in general it’s not cheap.

  • Pinterest – can be excellent for a visual market.

  • LinkedIn is good for one-to-one selling.

  • Facebook is still the best ROI for one-to-many.

  • Kim teaches this live from time to time.

  • GKIC came to Kim two weeks ago and let her know that Facebook is bringing them better clients at a better ROI.

  • You can do this yourself and you should get educated yourself before you hire someone to help you.

Reach, clicks, impressions DO NOT MATTER. Cost per acquisition is the key!”

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Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.