Kneel Before The Father

From today’s reading…

This, then, is what I pray, kneeling before the Father, from whom every fatherhood, in heaven or on earth, takes its name.” Ephesians 3:14-15

Why is it God the Father and not God the Mother? The answer to that question may very well be the key to our faith and our salvation.

Mothers are more conscientious and emphasize relationships, which is a good thing, since she’ll have a quite intimate relationship with the child in her womb for nine months then she’ll have to focus almost exclusively on that little rug-rat for years to come just to ensure he doesn’t eat Tide Pods, fall down the stairs, or run into traffic, among 1,000 other ways he can harm or kill himself.

Because the father is stronger and larger than the mother—and he doesn’t have to nurse a child—it is the father that goes out beyond the safety of the four walls of the home and the walls of the city into the great unknown to explore, to fight the enemy, to make the ultimate sacrifice in the process of either, if necessary, in order to provide for the comfort and safety of his family, for their wellbeing, growth, development, and furthering of society.

Both father and mother are needed to produce, form, and nurture society, but the image of the father taking on the responsibility to seek God to find the faith and courage to push himself to face the darkness in order to serve others is the archetype because of our very being. It is literally stamped into our bodies.

So be like Paul and pray to the Father so that you may also have the strength and the courage to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.