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  • Know Yourself To Know How To Make Your Prospects Buy, Steven Sisler

Know Yourself To Know How To Make Your Prospects Buy, Steven Sisler

Learn how to sell more and be the best version of yourself by understanding others…including yourself.

Persuasion Tips you’ll learn on The Sales Podcast

  • The four key emotions to focus on to understand your actions and those around you

  • What are you attracted to in the world

  • Why you do different things than what you want

  • Why “axiological frameworks” are important and how to leverage them to your personal development and growth

  • How Steven Sisler uses DISC assessments as his foundation but how he takes them to an entirely different level

  • Why you must combine your passions with behaviors with how you see the world to truly understand what makes you tick

  • Why he says “we are our brain”

  • Where you should focus as a leader

  • How to look at your work environment and your circumstances

  • How to know if you are a Level 3, Level 2, or Level 1 person

  • How I view moochers

  • What to do with your “suspicion emotion”

  • Whether I wake up “angry” or “optimistic” or both

  • My three biggest fears

  • My level of patience

  • Whether I’m more like Bill Clinton, George Bush, Joe Biden, Al Gore, or Barack Obama

  • How to read a prospect in under three minutes

  • The difference between empathy and sympathy and when to use either, or, or both

  • Why we listen and how to determine why and how your prospect and staff and family members prefer to listen

  • How role-awareness and self-direction can make or break you

  • When to listen, when to engage, when to control

  • What “effective primacy” means and why you need to know what it means if you are to win in sales

  • Why tribes matter and what percentage of the tribe wants to be lead vs. what percentage actually leads

Catch Up on The Previous Episode of The Sales Podcast

Alexander Obenauer has created the top paid app in the Apple store and he’s only just begun. Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast