Larry Winget’s What’s Wrong with Damn Near Everything!

Larry Winget, The Pitbull of Personal Development®, is at it again with the release of his latest book, “What’s Wrong with Damn Near Everything!: How the Collapse of Core Values Is Destroying Us and How to Fix It.”

I had Larry on The Sales Podcast back on episode 81 and we discussed how to turn Humiliation into Determination. 

Then I got to meet him in Scottsdale and share a cigar and some brown liquid along with a few street tacos and it was a night I’ll cherish forever.

Larry is a straight a shooter as you’ll ever meet and he drives that hope via the inside cover of his book where calls out the “‘positive attitude’ motivational speakers and the Law of Attraction bozos.” A-MEN!

On Page 52 he discusses “People follow their dreams instead of going to work” as being part of the problem and he hits a couple dozen to drive home the point.

But in true Larry Winget style he doesn’t just whine and complain.

He ties it all together with how you have the power and control to make something better.

What is that something?

You need to buy the book to find out and then make that change.

Now go sell something.