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  • LeadFuze—Automate Your Lead Generation—on The CRM Sushi Podcast

LeadFuze—Automate Your Lead Generation—on The CRM Sushi Podcast

Lead Generation Put On Autopilot


Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

Lead-Generation Tips You’ll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast…

  • Have more conversations with qualified prospects

  • How good is your list?

  • How good is your message to that list?

  • First create your list inside LeadFuze…but keep it simple

  • Click the big orange “Find Leads” button

  • Start Prospecting

    • Role / Function

    • Industry

    • Keywords (they have negative keywords created automatically for you)

    • Country

    • Location

    • “Search for Leads”

  • Google will limit you to six pages—600—results

  • So site search on Google (this is all publicly available information)

    • They are not scraping LinkedIn so they are acting within the Terms of Service for LeadFuze users

    • Now click the orange “ADD” button to add each result or simply click “Add All Leads”

  • Instead of having a VA from UpWork scour the internet to find background information on these leads, LeadFuze builds their profile for you automatically

    • Filter by  Email Type

      • No Email

      • Good

      • Risky

      • Imported/Edited

    • Filter by Email Status

      • Not Emailed

      • Opened

      • Clicked

      • Responded

      • Unsubscribed

      • Bounced

    • Rates the leads

    • Has about a 50% success rate to find valid emails

  • Sequences

    • Send emails with customized merge fields and build them into a sequence

    • Tracks Opens and Clicks

    • Add a step such as a delay then create the next email

    • You can also “Include Previous Emails” and have the email show up as a threaded email with the “RE:” subject

    • He recommends at least four emails in a sequence

    • Start short with no links or asking for an email. You’re showing that you know them and respect their time…but don’t use weak words

  • This is “Seth Godin’s worst nightmare. This is not permission marketing.”

  • Direct response marketing is what LeadFuze helps you do electronically.

  • Cold email and cold outreach depends on your list and your message.

  • “You’re going to starve to death if you are relying on 100% inbound marketing.”

  • Inbound marketing works if someone knows they have a problem and are actively looking to fix it

  • Works with your Gmail or Outlook 365 email so these emails are one-off emails from you. This is not a “blast” that the prospect can opt-out of since it’s a targeted, customized email.

  • “Create Schedule” 

    • List

    • Sequence

    • # of Leads to Email

    • Schedule type

    • Once they reply they are taken out of the sequence because now that Lead is a Prospect that you can manage in your own CRM.

    • Your correspondence resides within your Gmail or Outlook. Import them with your CRM sidebar like Nimble, Infusionsoft, HubSpot, etc.

    • Pause sequences if you’re getting overwhelmed with great responses

    • Once your ideal customer profile is created just spend a little time each week building your Lists so the Sequences continue

    • But rather than Pausing, maybe slow it down to just 25 per day instead of 50 per day

  • Three plans

    • Generate

    • Automate: Single founder or small team with no dedicated salesperson

    • Dominate: For those in fulltime business development

  • Adding more criteria to the tool regularly

  • If your emails suck, you won’t have success with any tool

  • You get an onboarding session with the Automate or Dominate plan to help you craft effective emails and you’ll have access to that account manager during the life of your account

  • Requires Chrome for now

  • They are launching Personas

Catch Up on Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.