Leave It All Behind To Receive It All

From today’s reading…

‘And everyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or land for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times as much, and also inherit eternal life.’” Matthew 19:29

Everyone reads this and stories of Anne Frank and Maximilian Kolbe and think, “Yeah. That’s what I’d do. I’ll follow Jesus anywhere. I’d risk my life to save the persecuted. I’d volunteer my life to save a stranger because I’m just a beast. When it all goes down, I just see red and it’s on!”

Yet you don’t attend the PTA or school board meetings when they propose drag queen story hour, sex ed for first graders, or vaccines AND masks AND isolation for our kids in school, let alone speak up at these meetings to protect our children.

You don’t speak up about the wrongs of abortion or the militant LGBTQQIP2SAAABGBS2Cis3C-COFFTM/MTFGEGIGH2IOTMTW+8th-Gender-Alien movement harming our society because you don’t want to cause “conflict” or “strife” or “discord” with your family or friends or bridge club.

You’ve gone along to get along as our government—who lied to us about Vietnam, the “temporary” suspension of the convertibility to gold, WMDs, and Afghanistan—lied to us about “two weeks to flatten the curve” and “get vaccinated so we can get back to normal.

“But Wes, what does Vietnam or gold or the vaccine have to do with following Jesus? Those are completely separate and different things. You’ve done lost your dang-fool mind.”

Have I?

How did a corrupt, lying, dictatorial, imperial government treat the Israelites, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph?

How did it treat European Jews in the 1930s-40s?

How is it treating Christians in America today?

How will it treat us tomorrow?

In less than a year, our “loving” government has gone from “two weeks to flatten the curve” to “We’ll never escape COVID-19…and you need a booster every eight months…or you can’t participate in society.” 

If a stitch in time saves nine, speaking up against an evil government that seeks to destroy our Christian faith today could very well save nine lives tomorrow.

Speaking up and being accountable is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.