Leaving is less rude than not listening

Leaving is less rude than not listening.

Leaving is less rude than not listening.

You don’t have a bad memory. You’re simply engaged in too many worthless activities that aren’t memorable.

Life is busy and hectic and you’re not getting any younger. (Neither am I.)

You think you’re being polite by sitting through that worthless meeting or webinar, but nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, you are wasting the presenter’s time both during the meeting and afterwards because you have created a false hope that you are interested in their gizmo, gadget, service, or offering.

So if you want to not only be polite but efficient and improve your memory, get up and leave. Maybe it’s abrupt. Maybe you say something else came up. Maybe you just level with them and say “this is just not the right time for me to be considering this. My apologies.”

If, however, you can’t do that and/or if the meeting is indeed worth having, then listen. Engage. Take notes. Interrupt. Ask hard questions. Seek to understand and let the presenter know they have been heard.

Then see how your memory, your business, and even your life improves.

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Good Selling,