Let Thanksgiving Be Your Sacrifice

From today’s reading…

[Psalm Of Asaph] The God of gods, Yahweh, is speaking, from east to west he summons the earth. ‘Let thanksgiving be your sacrifice to God, fulfil the vows you make to the Most High; then if you call to me in time of trouble I will rescue you and you will honour me.’” Psalm 50:1, 14-15

Asaph was a great singer and prophet in the time of David and Solomon.

He is mentioned several times in 1 and 2 Chronicles, so we should pay attention to what he has to say—as if we should ignore anything written in the Bible, but you know what I’m saying.

So what is he saying?He’s saying that our God is the most powerful.He’s saying our God rules all. He’s saying God wants us to be appreciative of what we have. He’s saying our God wants us to keep our promises to Him because He keeps His promises to us.

So if you want your bacon pulled from the fire—and the fires will come both in this life and the next if you’re not careful—give all glory and honor to God, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.