Let Them Pluck Your Beard

From today’s reading…

I gave my back to those who beat me,

my cheeks to those who plucked my beard;

my face I did not shield

from buffets and spitting.”

Isaiah wore his attacks as a badge of honor, much like a loving parent of a newborn wears spit-up and breastmilk and smashed carrots on their shirts, pants, and even their hair as a badge of honor.

He was a tough dude and he set the example that we are to follow.

Today, Palm Sunday, we see Jesus follow Isaiah’s example to another level. The ultimate level. But not before He gave us our daily bread and told us consume his body and blood “in memory of me.”

So the bad news is we’re in for a fight. The good news is we have what we need to engage the enemy. The great news is our side wins as long as we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.