Let there be light

From today’s reading…

Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw how good the light was.”

God spoke the world, the galaxy, the universe into existence.

J.K. Rowling spoke—or at least, wrote—the world of Harry Potter into existence.

When Chicago or George Strait or Lakeside sing they are speaking worlds into existence.

You speak your own world into existence every minute of every day in the form of your self-talk, which studies have shown is predominantly negative.

If you want a kid to become an underachiever just tell them how worthless they are and how they’ll never amount to anything morning, noon, and night from the time they’re two and by the time they’re five or six or seven they’ll prove you right.

The same is true for you.

If you wake up every morning and say “Ugh, what a terrible day it’s going to be,” chances are good you’ll make that become a reality.

If you tell yourself before every appointment “This is going to be a disaster. What a waste of time. Why am I even going to this meeting?” chances are good you’ll make that become a reality.

If you tell yourself “I’m a horrible person. I’m a terrible sinner. I am unloveable. I should’ve never been born.”…you’re wrong.

When God spoke the universe into existence He had already counted the hairs on your head and He wants you to be with him.

All you have to do is replace your negative, doubt-filled words with His and let them guide you as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

P.S. Let’s go on a fantastic voyage, shall we?