Let Your ‘Yes’ Mean ‘Yes’

From today’s reading…

Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’

Anything more is from the Evil One.” Matthew 5:37

So Fake News is from the Evil One.Half-truths are from the Evil One.Omissions are from the Evil One.Selective editing of statements of people you don’t like is from the Evil One.In other words, we’re surrounded by the Evil One, which is bad.What’s worse is that you don’t even know it.What’s the absolute worst is that you are complicit, complacent, and even contributing to the work of the Evil One in the lies you ignore, allow, and perpetuate because it’s the comfortable path. The path of least-resistance.

You’re off course. Get on the right course and then…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.