Liars and Snares are Everywhere

From today’s reading…

 Whoever makes a fortune by a lying tongue is chasing a bubble over deadly snares.”

You don’t need a good memory if you tell the truth.

(With the internet and trolls you really don’t need a good memory because your haters will pour over everything you’ve ever uttered, posted, liked, or commented on and will not rest until they find any misstep you made…even if they have to fabricate it. But I digress.)

But when you seem to be surrounded by snakes, charlatans, and politicians (is that redundant?) it can be tempting to throw up your hands and say

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

Avoid that temptation.

It takes a lifetime to build a reputation and one moment of weakness to ruin it.

The “funnel hackers” and the “black hat SEOers” and the spammers will crash and burn (but they won’t share pictures of their Lamborghinis getting repossessed).

The politicians will be exposed.

The corporate executives will be forced to resign, albeit with their golden parachutes, i.e. 30 pieces of silver.

But don’t worry about it. 

You do you and take comfort there are no snares under you as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.