Light Dawns For The Just

From today’s reading…

Light dawns for the just;

and gladness, for the upright of heart.

Be glad in the LORD, you just,

and give thanks to his holy name.”

Today is the Feast Day of Saint John, Apostle and evangelist, so we read from him twice—1 John 1, and John 20—as well as Psalms 97.

1 John 1 describes what they saw, heard, and touched and he shared this so others may share in his joy.

John 20 describes how a disciple with Peter saw the empty tomb of Jesus and believed.

If seeing is believing, then having the light dawning helps the just see, as foretold in Psalms 97 today.

When you find what you’re looking for, there is gladness.

When you are thankful for what you have, there is gladness.

When you are looking for the Lord and find Him, you are glad and thankful for your ability to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.