Linda Stephens Will Pump You Up

Small Commitments Lead To Big Results

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Sales Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast

Career Overview

How’d you get started in bodybuilding? Her husband said she’d be good at it after they went to a show. She found a coach, bought the shoes, and started practicing. 

What is the impact of your chosen profession on your life? The diet is a “social-life interrupter.” You don’t drink or order off the menu at restaurants.

What do you like most about what you do? She loves to train.

What’s the worst part of competing? It’s tough near a show with cutting carbs. 

How do you spend your days and weeks? Works at a gym in the morning with her own personal training business 7 days a week. 

Selling Track Record

What does your business look like? Her business has evolved. Personal training, nutrition, and motivational speaking, and writes for fitness publications.

Where is your marketing focus now? Social media is the way to grow today, especially in fitness.  

How do you balance custom training vs standard offerings for your clients? Interview her prospects to find the serious ones. 

How do you start with new clients? She gets her new clients to commit to two focused weeks.

How are you building now? Social media is the main focus now.

Private Life

What is in your library? Dr David Perlmutter. Books on nutrition and fitness.

What are you reading now? Heather Ann Havenswood, “Sexy Boss – How Female Entrepreneurs Are Changing the Rule Book for Money, Success and Even Sex, and How You Can Too!”

How do you start the day? Monday to Friday is cardio first while fasted then get kids going then trains her clients until about 1 pm then lift early afternoon then work on her business at night.

How do you prevent a slump? Just plow through it. 

Closing Question

How is it to be interviewed by the Sales Whisperer? 

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.