Listen Like Samuel and Be Blessed

From today’s reading…

Yahweh then came and stood by, calling as he had done before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Samuel answered, ‘Speak, Yahweh; for your servant is listening.’ Samuel grew up. Yahweh was with him and did not let a single word fall to the ground of all that he had told him. All Israel knew, from Dan to Beersheba, that Samuel was attested as a prophet of Yahweh.” 1 Samuel 3:10,19-20

People don’t know how to listen. (Or they don’t want to listen.)

Case in point, this morning—literally 58 minutes ago—I posted on Facebook, “It’s your job to adjust how you sell to match how the prospect wants to buy. Your prospects will tell you how they want to buy if you know how to ask.” and I included a link to my sales training program.

The first response, within three minutes, was, “there is not one close fits all.”

Not only can this person not listen, but she also can’t read, can’t right…ahh, write…, and cannot comprehend what I wrote, nor does she know what she wrote.

Where in my post did I say there is any one-size-fits-all close?

She read what she wanted to read, shaped it to fit her narrative, her preconceived notion, then did not hesitate to correct me to…what?…establish her superiority over me on Facebook?

The foundational component of learning and earning is hearing, and the foundation of them all is  “earing”—or ear—but you get my point.

Use your ear to hear and learn God’s will for you, which is how you earn the right to stand before God on judgment day and be found worthy to enter His kingdom…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.