Live the B.C. Life in These A.C. Times

From today’s reading…

…in whom we have boldness of speech and confidence of access through faith in him.”

 Facebook’s motto is “Move fast and break things.” You’ll hear other entrepreneurs and startups say

Be bold, move fast, and break things.”

I like that one, maybe because I like Paul who was bold and confident (B.C.) in his beliefs, which he backed up with his actions.

He was bold because he knew that the One who created nuclear power and rainbows, Shiner Bock and BBQ, muscle cars and the United States Air Force, also created each of us.

So embrace your heritage like Paul and the Apostles.

Embrace your heritage like Princes William and Harry.

Heck, embrace your heritage like the Kardashians. (Yeah, yeah. I know they have a drama-filled, raunchy past, but you can’t argue they are bold and confident in their actions. We can learn something from everyone.)

It’s time you stepped up your game and gave your prospects, your customers, your community, and your family an option of someone to follow and emulate.

Show them how to be bold and confident by living in that manner, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.