Look Up To Be Saved From The Serpent

From today’s reading…

Make a saraph and mount it on a pole,

and if any who have been bitten look at it, they will live.”

The Israelites prayed for freedom then complained when they weren’t immediately taken to a 5-star resort.

It’s like an overweight person who, after years of ridicule and shame, decides to lose weight then complains that they’re hungry and sore after just one week of eating right and exercising.

To erect the tallest building in the world you first must go down and build the deepest hole in world of skyscrapers.

Tall trees have deep roots.

The Israelites got what they prayed for: freedom.

Then they took that freedom for granted and were punished.

But notice what happens when they prayed for help. God doesn’t remove the serpents and make life free of all challenges. He simply had a visible sign made—on a stick—that would save everyone who sought it and looked at it.

And He made Moses the facilitator of His saving power.

Later, God would allow His only Son to be lifted up on a stick for all to see and He chose Peter and the 12 to facilitate in the saving of all who look upon His Son, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.