Lost as the Lord Foretold

From today’s reading…

And he carried off all the treasures

of the temple of the LORD and those of the palace,

and broke up all the gold utensils that Solomon, king of Israel,

had provided in the temple of the LORD, as the LORD had foretold.”

2 Kings 24:13

Today I know how God feels when He sees those He cares for ignore His advice and suffer as a result of their ignorance, greed, and slothfulness.

Right now people I know and care for are losing their businesses due not to COVID-19 but the foolish policies enacted by elected and un-elected officials who are both unqualified and unprepared to lead, which has made their newfound power go right to the heads.

The issue here is that the people losing their businesses have repeatedly voted for the fools in office who are literally killing people—and businesses.

For years I’ve been quite vocal about the foolishness of the path on which we find ourselves as a nation, state, county, and city. For that reason, I sleep well at night as the people I know and care for lose everything.

They literally fought me and literally asked for this so I’m willing—not happy—to let them sleep in the beds they made with the hope that once they hit rock bottom they’ll be willing to engage in meaningful dialogue to finally understand what it will take to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.