Love Your Enemies

From today’s reading…

‘But I say this to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly.’” Luke 6:27-28

More often than not, I feel as though we’re about to find out what happens when the world does the opposite of this.

At a minimum, the manner in which many, if not most, people in authority from presidents of nations to presidents of HOAs used COVID as an excuse to claim excessive power for themselves and rule with an iron fist has helped me understand how the Jews felt under Egyptian rule as well as Nazi rule, and why nothing short of the death of those dictators could open and soften those fists from Pharaoh to Hitler.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa there Wes. Shutting down businesses and transferring trillions of dollars to the elite and forcing you to get injected by your government and forcing you to show your papers and limiting your travel for a couple of years is nothing in comparison to 400 years of Jewish slavery in ancient Egypt or the Holocaust. You’re out of your mind. It’s people like you making statements like this that make fact-checkers* necessary. As a matter of fact, I hate you for saying this, which leaves me no choice but to report you and get your right to even post such nonsense suspended for a month, and if you continue posting things that make me unhappy, we’ll just silence you forever. Now delete this post, apologize, and fall in line to prove you can love in an open-minded, heart-centered manner like me.”

Stress and pressure expose one’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

And we know that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Those in power these last two years have been exposed as corrupt and drunk with power.

Now that the light of truth is being shone on them, they are running like cockroaches.

Some are finally doing the right thing and lifting draconian restrictions, such as Boston and D.C., while others are doubling their efforts to squash their people, such as Australia and Canada.

In all such cases, it’s too little too late.

Every COVID dictator needs to lose their jobs, and some need to be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity and face the same consequences as those found guilty in the Nuremberg trials.

“But Wes, what happened to ‘love your enemies’ and ‘do good to those who hate you’ and ‘bless those who curse you’ and ‘pray for those who treat you badly’?”

I love my children, but they must be held accountable when they do wrong.

That’s both fair and merciful.

I will pray for them to see the error of their ways, to repent, and to seek to make restitution because, ultimately, it’s the state of their soul that I am most concerned about.

Likewise for my enemies, because knocking dictators off their pedestals and forcing them to admit the damage they have done to those under their power might be the only thing that helps them…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.

 *Facebook admits that “fact checkers” are really just providing their opinions.