Make a Regular Pilgrimage Like Elkanah

From today’s reading…

This man regularly went on pilgrimage from his city

to worship the LORD of hosts and to sacrifice to him at Shiloh,….”

For the next couple of weeks we’ll be looking at the first book of Samuel, which opens with a story about his father, Elkanah. (It’s good to know your history, your legacy, your heritage. You and I stand on the shoulders of giants.)

There were a few Elkanahs in the 21 generations from Israel to Samuel, and we can see that Samuel’s father is a God-fearing man. He literally walked his talk, as we saw Jesus doing in yesterday’s reading.

Back then, it was a loooong walk to make a pilgrimage as he did.

But Elkanah had his priorities in order, which we’ll look at more closely in the coming days.

In the meantime, meditate on the depth of that short fraction of a sentence today and ask yourself how you can emulate the father of Samuel.

Maybe you can make an extra pilgrimage to your church in the middle of the week for some quiet time with the Lord.

Maybe you can read the Bible a few minutes each day.

Maybe you can give a little more of your time, talents, and/or treasures to your church or local charity.

Maybe you can do all of the above, which would certainly help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.