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Mara Glazer: Sell At Your Preferred Price With This Business Coach

About Today’s Guest on The Sales Podcast

Mara Glazer was a miserable slave to a corporate job in NYC making $35,000 a year working for a not-so-nice female person. (Edited here to keep our PG rating!) At the age of 23 she convinced her dad, Bill Glazer, to allow her to work for him at the company he founded, Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle (a company he built into the world’s largest provider of marketing and money-making information to small business owners around the globe).

He gave her one job: figure out how to make money with social media, OR she was out! (At the time, she didn’t even know what social media was.) So Mara spent the next months inhaling all of the information she could get her hands on about making money using social media…implementing that information…testing that information…and tracking that information…

The Result? An additional 7 figures in less than 278 days using social and alternative media!

Soon after, she ventured out on my own and launched Mara Glazer Cut The Crap Business Coaching and her newest venture, Best Damn Biz Team (formerly known as Mara Glazer Media Works), which you can find out more about here.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Nobody has a plan.

  • Social media is not free. Especially these days. You now need to advertise on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Pinterest.

  • Pay to play. If you’re not willing to pay to play. Social media can be worth it so look into it and create a plan.

  • Work your plan. It’s more than 5 minutes a day. Set time to implement.

  • Popups still work. She uses PopUp Domination.

  • Get a marketing coach to help you create a marketing plan. Start with a 3-month plan. Without a plan you are probably broke.

  • You’ll make a lot of pivots and shifts so by month four things will change so look to recreate these every 4 months.

  • If you don’t have baseline revenue and recurring revenue that covers your bills every month, figure that out first. Then focus on list-building both actively and passively. Passive list-building is critical. Lead magnets like free reports. Use PPC to drive visitors and leads.

  • You can also sponsor events / tele summits, etc. to generate leads. It’s active but it works.

  • Mara prefers email newsletters. She knows they work. Printed newsletters work as well. They worked with GKIC, with her clients, etc,

  • But email newsletters keep you top-of-mind. She does a weekly but she bi-weekly is fine but monthly is not frequent enough.

  • It’s good at building a relationship.

  • It’s good for promotions and let people know you have an event coming up.

  • Paid advertising. She is good at Facebook advertising. Start NOW! It’s still cheap on Facebook but that is changing.

  • Use social media to put people into your funnel. Building your brand is important, but building your list is key.

  • Create an automated funnel.

    • She loves Infusionsoft.

    • Add as many media touch points as possible.

    • Besides email she loves live human calls. This was hard to learn for her. She had to learn how to have sales conversations. Her first 50 sales conversations were a mess. She didn’t close any of them. (Insert Sales training flash cards and 30 Day Sales Growth.) You have to learn how to sell.

    • “If you can’t sell you’re in trouble.” Learning to sell makes you a better marketer. It helps you learn who you’re talking to.

  • Hire somebody to write for you if you need help creating your email newsletter.

    • Getting PR. Mara can help you with an article writer that creates a 400-800 word article that gets syndicated on ABC, Fox, etc. “Dirt Cheap $297.”

    • support at maraglazer dot com.

    • If your budget is tight, do it yourself. Get over your own fear.

    • You’ll end up connecting, making somebody smile, you’ll give a tip that transforms someone’s life and you’ll grow.

  • Mara was overweight and “dorky” as a kid. Even her teachers told her she’d never be successful from 6th to 10th grade. All of those feelings came out when she launched her business. She hired a mentor to help her get over those issues.

  • Ready Fire Aim. Focused on selling.

  • The first thing she sold was VIP consulting days for $10,000. (“That’s how much I wanted to make so that’s what I charged.”)

    • Those high-dollar clients are a greater pleasure.

    • She steers implementation clients to her VA business.

    • She wanted and needed to make money. It gives you the freedom and opportunity to do a lot of things.

    • She didn’t have a website and made her first $200,000.

    • Get a list and make offers.

    • Most of her $10,000 clients had never heard of her or GKIC. She just launched and asked for the sale. She started with her own savings.

    • Her email list is not big according to industry standards but she knows how to sell.

    • She had never owned a business before. “If a 28-year old blonde chick…”

    • She took some time off after GKIC but she started building an email list. She had a $500/mo for 6 months coaching program called Jump Start. (no longer offered)

  • Now using Google Hangouts and live events.

  • BizConLive. She’ll share the blueprints to build a profitable online business.

  • And offering mentoring into her mastermind.

Links Mentioned

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Tools To Thrive

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Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.