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  • Master Your Online Business Growth With Entrepreneur and Mom, Alison Prince

Master Your Online Business Growth With Entrepreneur and Mom, Alison Prince

Start small with your online business before you commit to your ecommerce platform

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

You have to get a college degree to have financial security,” she was told.

  • She qualified for food stamps with her first paycheck as a teacher

  • She researched “how do people make money”…at the library

  • After four kids they were still living paycheck-to-paycheck

  • Discovered e-commerce

  • Almost quit on her third day of online selling

  • Believes in “influencer marketing”

    • Offered referral fees

    • Started with smaller influencers who were easy to approach

    • As she grew she spoiled them

  • Found an old piece of wood and cut it into pieces, sanded it, and took pictures of them and sold $9,000 the next day by selling the vision (and her neighbor called it trash)

  • Sold her e-commerce business after 8 years and now she teaches others how to sell from home

  • Built two million dollar businesses but thought she got lucky

  • So she taught her daughters and they sold $100,000 in 9 months by finding what was trending

  • She has tripled her shopping cart values with ClickFunnels

  • Her kids borrowed $200 from them and bought products made in America

  • They tested their products then scaled and imported from China and made them their own

  • Just sell what’s selling

  • Grab boxes are the deal (priced around $30)

    • Offer hints but don’t tell them what it is

    • People get excited and fight over the boxes!

    • Play off of FOMO

  • A brand is a promise. It helps you stand apart in a commoditized market. So create a brand.

  • Only spends two hours per week running her site with a hyper-focus on one product

    • Scarves will always be around so just keep up with the trends

  • Her girls worked on Saturdays to ship with their friends

  • She was missing the teaching aspect in her life

  • She was telling facts, not stories, and her business completely changed

  • Then she built a webinar and her business is fun

  • 18 months ago she didn’t have a Facebook page or a YouTube channel

  • Get going on Instagram and get those 10,000 followers

    • Connect and partner with open-minded people on Instagram and grow your list

  • Your thoughts change your life

    • Her 10 and 13 year old daughters got over their insecurities

    • They forgave themselves and kept moving forward

  • STOP IT!!! #KickSatanInTheTeeth

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast