Meet Meek Moses

From today’s reading…

Now, Moses himself was by far the meekest man on the face of the earth.”

Moses was the Big Man On Campus.

He was raised with royalty.He had killed an Egyptian with his bare hands, so he was big physically as well.He had lived off the land for years, so he was rugged.He had a big beard before it was the hip thing to do (and he never took selfies).He had private meetings with God.

Yet he was meek.

Today meek = weak in the minds of most.

And as usual, the crowd is wrong.

As a sales trainer, I see the non-meek approach being shouted from every rooftop because it’s “sexy” or “cool” or “empowering” to the weak-minded.

As a husband and father of five girls, I’d prefer the salespeople my wife and daughters encounter be meek but firm rather than forceful and aggressive.

Why do we forget we are dealing with fellow humans in our business dealings…and commutes…and at sporting events?

Today, try meek on for size and see how it fits.

Give your co-workers, your fellow drivers, and your prospects the benefit of the doubt.

Seek to understand rather than to be understood.

Ask more questions before you pontificate.

Let me know how that works for you.

At first, it will take more focus, more energy, and more effort…until you master it. We got free online sales training videos and discussions here.

Then you’ll realize it takes less energy, less effort, and it will generate more sales, more referrals, and more testimonials.

Trust the process.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something, and if you need help, contact us for online sales training.