Meet The Meek Savior

From today’s reading…

See, your king shall come to you;

a just savior is he,

meek, and riding on an ass,…”

From the earliest days we’ve been advised to zig while everyone else zags.

Today we’re lead to believe that our “kings” and our “saviors” fly in on Gulfstreams met by Rolls Royces with drivers who hand you champagne and Grey Poupon.

Today it’s the one with the loudest mouth, the edgiest videos, the most f-bombs who seems to “win.”

If your message is profound, create a clean version to go along with your profane version and see which one has a bigger impact.

Remember that we’re also told in today’s reading that “…if you live according to the flesh, you will die,…”

So if everyone is shouting and living in the flesh, try getting your point across with a whisper and give the spirit of your message a chance to touch the hearts of those it finds.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.