Meet The Wife of The Lamb

From today’s reading…

The angel spoke to me, saying,

‘Come here.

I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.’”

Revelations 21 has a lot in common with Ezekiel 40.

The new Jerusalem is the Church, the bride whom Jesus takes as the bridegroom.

When we are new we will “gleam with the splendor of God.”

We will radiate like precious stones.

We will be protected by high walls, guardian angels, and massive gates on which our names will be inscribed.

The wall is solid because it…

had twelve courses of stones as its foundation,

on which were inscribed the twelve names

of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.”

To this very day, through an unbroken succession from Simon, a.k.a. Peter, a.k.a. Cephas, a.k.a. The Rock (sorry, Dwayne Johnson), the foundation has remained in tact.

Since the 11 chose Matthias, vacancies among the 12 have always been filled according to the guidance from Psalms 109, “May another take his place.”

Knowing your faith is built upon such a solid foundation with its sold purpose to help you become a part of the New Jerusalem should give you the encouragement to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.