Michael LIVES! (Gerber, that is.)

(Original post 2/1/10) Less than 24 hours after the airwaves lit up our countless digital feeds with the news of Michael Jackson’s death, I was in a room full of business owners and entrepreneurs that not only DIDN’T discuss “the gloved one,” they were all optimistic about their business opportunities, they were sharing ideas that were working with fellow business owners and they were making plans to not only GROW but to handle the growth they were already experiencing!




During this time of fiscal and economic and moon-walking-disappearing calamity?

I ran to the Sheraton’s concierge and asked for a TV—two TV’s— so we could see how sad the world was about MJ on one and how California was leading the nation into financial ruin on another but, sadly—rudely, almost—I was denied and was escorted back to my plaid chair with copious mints, free cold water, plastic pens that run out of ink and silliously small hotel note pads with sunflower yellow branding that I cannot read. (Dione Moser at Impact Marketing could help with that if they take the time to call. But I digress.)

So sat I did and began sizing up this nearly-sharp-dressed man with the navy blue suit, matching fedora, cuff links and BROWN shoes in the back of the room!

He seemed to know everyone and everyone he saw seemed happy to meet him but I was too distracted searching for a pen with ink and a notepad that did not have water stains to really pay much attention to this gray-bearded gentlemen whom I thought was simply paying homage to MJ by wearing the fedora and maybe going to juggle with flaming bowling balls at the intermission. But that was not why the man in the fedora and brown shoes was there.

Maybe it’s a “Michael phenomenon” but big things do come in small packages.

You would have never dreamt that such a powerful force of nature could be contained in such a diminutive stature. But Michael E. Gerber of “E-Myth” fame is a powerful force indeed.

During our 155 minutes together we discussed the most important question you and I must answer if we are to not only succeed in our business endeavors but enjoy the journey along the way and that question is, “What is the meaning of my business?”

Can you answer that? Right now? If I woke you from a deep 2 am slumber would it be propelled from your lips?

The meaning of my business is to make your business grow by helping—MAKING—you grow as a person first. Then we focus on the three areas that must be mastered to build and operate a successful business:

  1. Entrepreneurship

  2. Management

  3. Technician

Technicians are usually those that start a business…and crash a business…because they do not understand systems, marketing, relationship, persuasion, call-to-action messaging, processes and how to master business designs.

Entrepreneurs are the big dreamers and inventors of the end product but they need the managers to create and supervise the processes and systems that are run by technicians.

It’s a dance that has been mastered by Ray Kroc that enables billions of harmful products to be delivered on time around the world by a work force that turns over 300% a year.

Ray Kroc never worked in a McDonald’s. He created systems that guaranteed success despite and in spite of the staff.

Would you like to have that kind of freedom and success?

Answer the first question, “What is the meaning of my business?” and then contact me. If you need help answering that question then contact me now.

(Michael’s the one on the left. [My wife says I’m the cutey on the right.])

He wore brown shoes because he forget his black shoes when he packed to come see me and he thought he’d look less conspicuous wearing brown shoes instead of no shoes. It’s good to know he’s human like the rest of us.)

Remember, Life is good. It’s “gooder” when you’re selling.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,