Mind Your Own Business

From today’s reading…

Nevertheless we urge you, brothers and sisters, to progress even more,

and to aspire to live a tranquil life,

to mind your own affairs,

and to work with your own hands,

as we instructed you.”

Two years ago I had this reading but I was worn out from participating in hurricane Harvey relieve in Houston to put any thought into it.

We’re still in 1 Thessalonians and Paul continues to remind us that it’s so obvious that we are to love one another and to be charitable that he won’t even go into detail about it.

He’s basically saying

The sky is blue. Fire is hot. Love one another.”

Now he’s taking it a step further as he tells us to:

  • Keep it simple, stupid.

  • Keep to yourself.

  • Stop gossiping.

  • Stop spreading rumors.

  • Don’t be lazy.

  • Stay busy doing productive things.

  • Listen.

  • Know your place.

  • Follow instructions.

  • Respect Church authority/hierarchy.

Do all of that you’ll easily…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.