MLAM 004: How To Make Selling Easy

It’s Time You Made Selling Easy

Tools To Thrive

What you’ll learn in this episode…

  • How to sell like a man (and a woman)

  • How to dis-qualify

  • The difference between “selling” and “sorting”

  • Where to focus your efforts in the sales process. (You only have three choices: the beginning, the middle, the end)

Sales professionals (especially men) know when to be quiet on a sales call. (I say “especially men” because we’re terrible at jumping in to “solve and fix” things right away before we know the whole story.)

You have two ears and one mouth: Use them proportionately.

  • Ask better questions.

  • Only answer the questions that are asked.

  • When you do answer the question that was asked—and you MUST answer the questions your prospects ask—conclude with “Does that answer your question?” and see what they say.

Last week I was on a demo call with a salesman wanting me to come on board as an affiliate to sell his software. He hadn’t yet listened to this episode…and it was exhausting trying to keep up with him. He wouldn’t take a breath. He’d start to answer my question before I finished asking it.

Mirror your prospects, which means match their demeanor, tone, and volume as best you can.

Understand their questions even if it means you have to ask five qualifying questions to do so.

For example, when I was a meteorologist in the Air Force, my briefing would be “short and sweet,” i.e. “clear and calm until noon then winds gusting up to 20 knots out of the northwest until 5 pm with overcast conditions rolling in starting at 6 pm. Any questions?” Now I’d be prepared to discuss the hourly conditions for our base, our three nearest alternate bases in case the pilots had divert, as well as the target/mission area for the next 24 hours including?

  • wind speed & direction from the surface to 40,000 feet

  • visibility

  • cloud layers

  • humidity

But I didn’t give every pilot on every mission every detail because most of them didn’t want or need all of that information.

[Tweet “”Whomever asks questions is in control of the sales meeting” says @SalesWhisperer on the Market Like A Man #podcast”]

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Good Selling,