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  • Monica Kirkland Testimonial For Keynote Speaker Wes Schaeffer

Monica Kirkland Testimonial For Keynote Speaker Wes Schaeffer

 Monica Kirkland Keynote Speaker Testimonials

“I was so thankful to hear Wes Schaeffer as the keynote speaker at the last Chamber breakfast. In a time when you wonder as you talk to other business professionals will they be optimist or pessimist, it was a great relief to get the encouragement from Wes.

“He did not know his speech was for me. Wes talked about how a business can thrive and be extremely successful no matter how the economy looks. He gave many steps to help me focus on some specifics in my business. This year is the “Year of Increase” for my family and Wes’ speech just confirmed how we can make it happen. Thanks Wes for your profound expertise! It has been fun getting to know you!” Monica Kirkland, Owner, New Life Ultrasound

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