Moses Formed the Festivals

From today’s reading…

The LORD said to Moses, ‘These are the festivals of the LORD which you shall celebrate at their proper time with a sacred assembly.’”

God lays out at least eight different celebrations with prescriptions on how they were to be conducted in today’s reading from Leviticus 23.

Why so many details for a festival?

Why so many festivals?

Why so much emphasis on completely taking days off from work entirely?

God leaves nothing to chance.

He knows us because we are made in the image of the three Gods in one. (“God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves.'”)

He knows we’ll take things too far, be it work or play.

He knows we need routines and rituals in our lives and that we’ll take the path of least resistance if we’re not reminded of the perils of such actions.

He knows we need to remember from whence we came or we’ll soon be worshipping golden calves…or Jim Beam…or the Alabama Crimson Tide! (NOOOOOO!)

God is quite prescriptive and “legalistic” in the early books of the Old Testament because we can be “a stiff-necked people.”

It’s time we loosened our necks and our grips on all the glitters, including our closed-minded opinions, and allowed the love of God to not only enter us, but shine through us to our neighbors, because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.