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Moses Prays & Saves
From today’s reading…
Moses tried to pacify Yahweh his God. ‘Yahweh,’ he said, ‘why should your anger blaze at your people, whom you have brought out of Egypt by your great power and mighty hand? Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to whom you swore by your very self and made this promise: “I shall make your offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven, and this whole country of which I have spoken, I shall give to your descendants, and it will be their heritage for ever.”’” Exodus 32:11, 13
God pointed out how evil His people were to Moses, and Moses stepped up in their defense.
Moses prayed for them and recalled the promises God made to protect His people and help them prosper.
God did not need reminding, nor did He need Moses to help talk Him down.
God needed Moses to remember His promise and to know that God keeps His word, which we need to keep in mind even today because, on days like 9/11, we need to trust that God is always with us, that He has a plan, and that He is always with us to help us…
Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.
Now go sell something.