My Favorite Firefox Plugins

Welcome to the Recommendation Age.

Since blog readers are, by definition, are on the computer – and we all spend more and more time in from of our computers – I figured I would let you take a peek at my computer screen to see some of the plugins I use on Firefox to help me be as productive as possible while online.

What brought this about is my discovery of LastPass, which is a Roboform replacement, which I needed to replace since it doesn’t work on my Mac.

For the last several years I’ve used the built-in password manager that comes with Firefox but it was a little lacking.

Lastpass stores all of the passwords from all of my computers and it will work on your Blackberry as well. (I’m still looking for an iPhone version.)

Lastpass lets me know when it has username and password information for me, which is a feature the other programs I tried didn’t do on a regular basis.

For all of you security worry warts here is a little disclosure: yes, Lastpass stores my passwords online. Yes things are probably not as secure as it could be when my information is floating through the cloud of the internet (but Lastpass obviously doesn’t seem to think that is the case), but call me rebel. I’m ok with my passwords in the cloud because I have peace of mind knowing I’ll always be able to get back into their site, no matter what.

Here are some of my other favorites:

  • Delicious – because having my bookmarks online and secure and synchronized is the deal!!

  • Faviconize – I’m embarrassed to tell you how many tabs I keep open. This little plugin helps me shrink those tabs and free up some real estate.

  • LivePageRank – I’m the curious type and like to know the PageRank is for various sites, but I don’t need an entire Google toolbar eating up my toolbar to tell me.

  • Session manager – AHHH! Don’t you HATE it when you accidentally lose the 27 tabs open in your browser? That won’t happen again.

  • S3 Organizer – This makes putting stuff onto Amazon’s S3 super easy. It sits as a little icon on the bottom right of my Firefox browser. I just click on it and drag my files over. If you’re not familiar with Amazon S3 stay tuned to future posts.

Throw down some verbiage below to let me know what Firefox plugins you use/love/hate so we can all be more productive in 2010 and beyond.

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Good Selling,