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  • Nail The Sales Conversation To Accelerate Sales Enablement, John Reid

Nail The Sales Conversation To Accelerate Sales Enablement, John Reid

Don’t bring donuts, bring insight

Click here to download the episode.


Sales Enablement Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Sales tips have not evolved since 1983

  • Most sales “stuff” is driven from a model 

  • We become zealots of “the model” because “the model has to be the answer”

  • Sales enablement today is not about the model

  • Belief systems drive sales behaviors

  • The world does not need another sales model but models are good

  • Skill vs Will

  • Most sales professionals believe they are good at relationship building

  • Most sales professionals are wrong

  • The Mentalizer’s Paradox

  • Salespeople are not trained properly

  • Salespeople are unaware

    • How many won deals because your customer liked you?

    • How many lost deals because your customer didn’t like you?

  • You use weak words

  • You’re afraid of being told no

  • You’re afraid of the answer

  • You’re afraid of re-building the pipeline

  • You’re afraid of not being liked

  • We’re emotional beings who think

    • Needing purpose

  • Don’t bring donuts, bring insight

  • Manage, don’t coach

    • Coaching is seen as negative

  • The learning objective is not the answer. The improved behavior is the answer.

  • Be learner-focused. They should do most of the talking. It’s all about them.

  • There’s too much emphasis on “liking” vs. trusting and respecting

  • Desire with no discipline is worthless

  • Insight + Humility takes Rigor

  • Most people want a thinking partner, not the answer

  • Give them an idea

  • Challenger model is hubris

  • Priming

  • You still must master the art of controlling the conversation

  • Questions are always the answer

  • When you talk you create objections!

  • Get comfortable with being vulnerable

    • “N.B.O. (New Business Opportunities)” Ask if you’re confused

  • Be brief. Be good. Be gone.

  • Once you get high, stay high.

  • Don’t ask permission. “Hey, I’m going to be meeting with your boss. Anything you’d like me to bring up with your boss?”

  • Expand your curiosity.

  • Out-understand your competitors. Only 11% of customers believe salespeople understand their needs.

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast