Nebuchadnezzar and Fauci Want You To Submit

From today’s reading…

Nebuchadnezzar addressed them, ‘Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, is it true that you do not serve my gods, and that you refuse to worship the golden statue I have set up? When you hear the sound of horn, pipe, lyre, zither, harp, bagpipe and every other kind of instrument, are you prepared to prostrate yourselves and worship the statue I have made? If you refuse to worship it, you will be thrown forthwith into the burning fiery furnace; then which of the gods could save you from my power?’” Daniel 3:14-15

Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates addressed our nation, “Is it true you do not worship our vaccines, our lockdowns, our social distancing, our mask mandates, and our declarations about who is and is not essential?”

Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates continued, “Do you want to have a BBQ in 3.5 months to celebrate the 4th of July? (We don’t call it ‘Independence Day,’ because, well, we all know that you are no longer independent.’)”

Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates continued, “Is it true you do not worship Drag Queen Story Hour, that you want babies to live, and you think we should not force Christian bakers to make transgender, gay ‘marriage,’ and Satanic cakes?”

Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates continued, “Is it true you love the 1st and 2nd Amendments, you do not want our fact-checkers to censor you, and you don’t think we should tax you to pay for gender studies in Pakistan?”

Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates continued, “Is it true you believe there are only two genders, that boys shouldn’t compete against girls, that 7-year-old children are too young to take hormone blockers, that 13-year-old girls shouldn’t be taken to abortion mills by their teachers, and 16-year-olds who are still eating Tide pods shouldn’t be allowed to vote?”

Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates continued, “If you continue to resist us; if you continue to sue us in order to pray, go to the gym, and open your business; if you continue to fight for your rights as laid out in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then we will dox, arrest, and audit you until you admit God cannot save you from my power and you kneel for the National Anthem. Do. We. Make. Ourselves. Clear?”

To Fauci, Newsom, Cuomo, Harris, and Gates, et al. I say “Come and take it.”

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.

 *Image, “Anthony Fauci – Caricature” by DonkeyHotey flickr